Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Google Faucet Docker Tests Failing to Clone

The Google Faucet Docker tests weren't running on my corporate network. I was getting a "connection timed out" issue when cloning OpenFlow. Looks like my corporate network blocks "git clone git:xxx".

Cloning into 'openflow'...
fatal: read error: Connection timed out
The command '/bin/sh -c git clone -b 2.2.2 &&   apt-get update &&   mininet/util/ -nfv &&   apt-get purge -qy pylint &&   GOPATH=~/go go get -u' returned a non-zero code: 128

I modified the Dockerfile.tests to workaround the issue to replace git with https.

diff --git a/Dockerfile.tests b/Dockerfile.tests
index 3d09ee0..b2de2f8 100644
--- a/Dockerfile.tests
+++ b/Dockerfile.tests
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ RUN \
 RUN \
   git clone -b 2.2.2 && \
   apt-get update && \
+  sed -i 's/git clone git:\/\/ clone https:\/\/' mininet/util/ && \
   mininet/util/ -nfv && \
   apt-get purge -qy pylint && \
   GOPATH=~/go go get -u

And now it is running!

Step 7/7 : CMD /faucet-src/docker/
 ---> Running in de27778a62e4
 ---> 13c61c5b8a02
Removing intermediate container de27778a62e4
Successfully built 13c61c5b8a02

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Rental Car and Driving on EZ-Pass Tollway

While in DC, I accidentally went on an EZ-Pass Tollway that required the use of an EZ-Pass. This was I-495. I went to their website and setup an email notification in hopes of paying the toll before they charged it to the rental car company. I never received an email.

After a couple weeks, I received a letter in the mail. It looks like the rental car had an EZ-Pass and they (Alamo) were charging me $10 for the privilege of using it. So the toll was only $1.85 and the convenience fee was $10.
At least they didn't charge me $3.95 per day of the rental car.